Gaming Keyboards and their uses?


Nov 7, 2013
Afternoon chaps,

Hope everyone had a great Christmas etc!

Looking to treat myself to a gaming keyboard, 'tis the season and all.

Heard about mechanical keyboards, but not sure if they are worth the extra money? Looking to spend sub £50 if possible, anything would be an upgrade over my old school Logitech brick!

Suggestions more than welcome, cheers!



Aug 21, 2013
Depends on what you're looking for. Do you want a keyboard that's backlit? One with several memory functions? With or without a 10-key? Mechanical keyboards are a matter of preference for many people. Some gamers like mechanical keyboards because the tactile feel helps them attain faster keystrokes. Me, I went with a mechanical keyboard because I am old school and remember keyboards before these cheap, flimsy dome-style things were out. In my opinion, there is nothing like the sound and feel of a good mechanical keyboard. If you have a chance, go to a nearby store that sells them and tinker around with them to see if you like a mechanical feel and if so, which switch feels best for you. Some people like cherry reds, others prefer browns. Me, I prefer blues or blacks.

This is a good website to start and look at some of the options out there. With a little more info it'll be easier to help select keyboards that might best suit your needs.