Motherboard Now or Cpu and motherboard Later?


Jan 3, 2014
Hello there I have a quick question as of right now i have the money to buy a new motherboard because right now my motherboard only allows 1 chassis fan when i have 2 so cooling is okay but with the new motherboard it will probably be better.

My secon question is Should i get the new MOBO Now or wait until i have enough to buy the New MOBO and CPU? My cpu right now is doing alright but i wish to do some more streaming and the heatsink is fine but takes up a TON of Space which is why I will get the H100i but if i do that now before getting a new processor then the thermal paste on it will have been gone and i will have to use my own which people say they regret getting rid of Corsairs thermal paste.

So thats my predicament any help would be nice

EDIT: The wait for the new cpu and MOBO would be until Spetemberish