Bad Laptop Screen Connection

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Jan 9, 2014
Hi there, I have Laptop monitor problem. The model is an Asus u31sd

Basically, whenever I start the computer, or after moving the laptop screen somewhat, the screen whites out. If I press on the the bezel of the screen or tilt it backwards the picture comes back, and basically I have to do that a few times (getting more and more though) for the the picture to stay, otherwise it whites out again.

I've opened up the screen, and I'm pretty sure its a connection problem, if I hold the screen and the cable together, there is no problem. But the cable is loose and the only way it can be fixed if I hold it with my hand, and after putting the screen back together the problem comes back again.

Is there any way to actually fix the connection (I've tried cellotape/insulation tape, and didn't work), or do I need to replace a new cable/monitor/both?
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