Looking for Lowest Latency Networking/Hardware with National Stock Exchange?


Jan 9, 2014
Hello Friend,
I want to Upgrade my Office which has many Desktops, where many Jobbers/Traders, Do their Trading. Using Real Time softwares like Diet Odin, Amibroker, Chart Nexus.

Real Time Data Exchange from Bombay Stock Exchange/National stock Exchange (India).

I stay in India (Bombay) itself, but Are there any particular hardware solutions that reduce Lag, Latency on systems that Purely Rely on Real Time Feeds ..

My Primary Focus is on, Fast Hardware, Real Time/Lowest Latency to Server, Faster Load Time of Charts, Multiple Display Options ( at least 3 monitors per Desktop).

Thanks in Advance.. :)


Since you're asking here, a "low latency" network would probably just be a Layer 3 switch with QOS on the ports needed for your services. Unless you have a good Internet connection, that won't matter at all.

If you're concerned about graphs, then the latency doesn't matter, with in reason. Graphs are meant to be consumed by humans, and sub 100ms latencies will not be the bottleneck when talking about humans seeing and understanding a graph.

If you're talking about an $500k server cluster that was programmed by some $200k/year programmers, with a 10gb/s Internet connection, then latencies start becoming an issue.