what if memory card memory is shown less than it is?

Rohini kulkarni

Jan 9, 2014
My memory card capacity is 4GB,but it shows 3.6 , how can I display its full capacity? Moreover when I copy songs to this memory card,they are either incompletely copied or mixed with other songs and even is undetected in many mobiles and laptops. what can I do about this?
1 GB = One billion (10^9) bytes. Unfortunately, the term is sometimes also used to mean 2^(30)=1024^3=1073741824 bytes. When you buy the drive/memory card, they use the long number (bytes) to define 4GB, but when it is formatted and the true GB is shown, it will not be equal to 4.
The manufacturer (this is typical for every manufacturer puts "4GB" on the package (defined as 4,000,000,000 bytes). Doing the math, 4000000000 divided by a giga-byte (1073741824) is 3.7252903 GB in actual size. Any drive you buy that is 4GB will only give you about 3.6 - 3.73GB in actual size.