Which R9 280x ? Vtx3D or Dual-X or Vapor-X ?


Feb 17, 2008
Hey ,

Im planning to buy an R9 280x. Main objective is mining and gaming at 1920 x 1080.

VTX3D costs 200 GBP
Sapphire Dual X costs 225 GBP
Sapphire Vapor X costs 250GBP

Im leaving the card stock (No OC). Is VTX3D a good "quality" model? I heard some people saying that " Vapor X components' quality is better". Will i see any major difference in mining? or gaming ? or just 1-2 fps more on vapor x and dual x compared to vtx3d?

Thank you!
Jan 11, 2014

I have one VTX3D 280X and 2 Sapphire Dual x 280X Radeons.

They are undervolted to 1050 mV and clocked more or less at stock (1 Sapphire is 1050MHz and 2 others are 1025MHz for mining purposes).

VTX3D gets 705 kH/s, one Sapphire gets 705kH/s and other one 730 kH/s stable 24/7.

Noise is pretty much on the same level on all of them.