What is amd mantle?


Mar 9, 2013
See the following links For details en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mantle_(API) & http://www.amd.com/us/products/technologies/mantle/pages/mantle.aspx
Quote Wikipedia:
"Mantle is a low-level API specification developed by AMD as an alternative to Direct3D and OpenGL, primarily for use on the PC platform.[2] Currently the only implementation is for graphics processing units with AMD's Graphics Core Next architecture.[3] Mantle was created to allow games and applications to
utilize the GPU more efficiently, and have much
faster draw calls, and makes game
development much easier by nearly eliminating
hardware abstraction. Claimed advantages AMD claims that Mantle can generate up to 9 times more draw calls per second than comparable APIs by reducing CPU overhead.[3] More fine control over the hardware.[3] All hardware capabilities are exposed through the API.[3] New rendering techniques possible. Direct GPU memory access. Multithreaded parallel CPU rendering support for at least 8 cores.[4] No game developer reliance on existing AMD driver support release schedules (potentially no
or fewer bugs on release, much faster patching
for GFX related errors). Due to bypassing of error-prone and inefficient abstraction, common technical
difficulties like FPS drops, micro stuttering and texture corruption can be significantly less frequent or nonexistent. Performance increase over higher-level APIs such as Direct3D and OpenGL. Usage During a GPU 14 Tech Days presentation, an announcement was made that Frostbite 3 would have support for Mantle.[3] The first game running on Frostbite 3 to benefit from
Mantle will be Battlefield 4 which is planned to get a patch sometime in January 2014 that will activate the Mantle support.[2] Will be used in the games Star Citizen and Thief, and the upcoming game engine Nitrous. [5][6] A further 15 games have been reported to support Mantle, including Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare which will support Mantle "out of the box.""


Jan 14, 2014

  • I see Mantle as a desperate attempt from AMD—whose hardware just simply doesn't stack up against nVidia in benchmarks—remain relevant in the enthusiast gamer market by making some fairly base level software pseudo-proprietary (a Slide API built around one specific hardware architecture as opposed to universal APIs such as DirectX or OpenGL API) so as to allow game developers a little more fine-tuned control of GPU resources and functions.

    Either nVidia will switch architecture to something somewhat like GCN to benefit from Mantle and everything goes back to fairly the same (unlikely), or else they'll push more resources into releasing the overhaul to NVAPI SDK, creating a segmented market for a time until one platform dominates.