Do AMD APUs work with Nvida & other AMD GPUs?


Jan 21, 2014
Hello, i'm relatively new with hardware, so sorry if I may mess up on something "simple". :)

I was looking to purchase one of the new AMD Kaveri APUs for my next build, and I was wondering if in the future I would be able to also install maybe more than one GPU with it without any issues.

boosted1g is correct. An AMD APU will not be on the same level as an i5 or i7. I honestly suggest you avoid the APU unless you are one strict low budget. If you can plan on spending $500-600, there's no reason you shouldn't get an FX6300 or an i3 for starters. If you plan to upgrade parts down the road, each of motherboards for those CPUs will support more powerful CPUs (8-core AMD/i5+).

If you buy into the APU (FM2 socket) you will not have any room to upgrade in the future. Also, the FM2 socket is dead. If you buy into, you're set until you dish out more money for a new motherboard.


Well there are two things you can do. You can either run the APU perform CPU and GPU tasks. If so, you can Hybrid crossfire with certain AMD GPUs. Or you can simply use the APU to perform CPU tasks and then have a discrete GPU by simply connecting your monitor to the new GPU. So yes, no problems.

What is your reason for buying an APU?


Jan 21, 2014

Thanks, i'll definitely look into that! And I was primarily looking to purchase an APU to see if it could compete with some of the Intel CPUs like the i-5 and maybe an i-7. I know they're vastly superior the AMD FX models, but Intel is just so much more expensive.


boosted1g is correct. An AMD APU will not be on the same level as an i5 or i7. I honestly suggest you avoid the APU unless you are one strict low budget. If you can plan on spending $500-600, there's no reason you shouldn't get an FX6300 or an i3 for starters. If you plan to upgrade parts down the road, each of motherboards for those CPUs will support more powerful CPUs (8-core AMD/i5+).

If you buy into the APU (FM2 socket) you will not have any room to upgrade in the future. Also, the FM2 socket is dead. If you buy into, you're set until you dish out more money for a new motherboard.