Note taking software for mechanical engineers?


Apr 19, 2012
Well basically as a thriving mechanical engineering student I'm constantly getting these ideas that I can turn into challenging projects.
Usually I don't have the necessary knowledge (YET!) to do them so I just simply forget them and later on try to recover the very little information my brain kept behind.

I was thinking about a program which would keep my notes/ideas safe, the thing is I need visuals, text and voice. Some times I need to draw a rough sketch of the project, add a little text and when it's not enough I'd want to record a voice note and save it.
Think of the "S memo" for the Samsung mobile phones, you get to options a free hand note taking app and a text based app. How about something like that, a canvas for example where you can draw something using a graphical tablet or a mouse, add some text, add picture and record a voice note too but on the computer.

The alternative is to open a word document, draw the diagram MS paint, record the voice using any sound recorder and just still everything on MS word but it seems like too much of a hassle.
I want an all in one program to save as much time as possible.

Thanks in advance.