Looking to build desktop PC - longtime notebook gamer


Jan 24, 2014
Hello I am a long time notebook gamer and now would like to switch to a desktop system. I do have some knowledge on desktop systems, however I am largely inexperienced in building them (though I am interested in building my own PC) and understanding what would be the best components in my system.

I am not particularly interested in overclocking (as of now) and primarily would like to use my system for gaming (at standard 1980x1080 and at 2560x1440(1600)).


I found this link to a gaming pc on ebay and was wondering what more experienced PC builders and gamers thought of this deal, it looks to be one of the better ones on ebay for the price, and I would like to know what people thought about the deal? about the company's reputation Magic Micro? and what customizations should I make to improve the system while staying under $1800?

Thanks for any help
way overpriced for what you are gtting.

Last-generation I7, mid-high graphics card, 2 x 500 GB drives (what a waste), and a 3rd rate power supply

for $1350, you can do much better