is my 500w PSU enough?


Aug 4, 2013
hello i have an fx 8350 black edition along with a hyper tx3 heatsink with 2 80mm fans, a 78lmt-usb3 mobo, a gigabyte 7790 2gb, 8gb of ddr3 ram, 1 CD/DVD drive, 1tb hard drive, and 4 120mm fans not including the 2 heatsink fans.

I have a corsair 500w PSU, my PC runs fine so far, no problems apart from a blue screen error i get every 3 months or so but i think that's to do with my video card Files.

but is this 500 watt power supply unit sufficient or should i upgrade to a corsair 750 watt power supply unit, thanks.
It's just fine my 500 watt can handle a 4890 which can pull 190 watts. A 7790 only pulls 85 watts so there is no need to upgrade.