Sapphire R9 280X Toxic alternative...


Sep 26, 2013
So, after two months of waiting, I finally decided to drop my order for a Sapphire R9 280X Toxic from shopblt (terrible site by the way). It's really disappointing because this card is such a beast and the price wasn't that bad. Now, I'm in the process of finding a GOOD alternative. Any suggestions on cards that have close to the same power of the r9 280x toxic?

Are you running several monitors during games? If not, then screw the rams.
All reviews comparisons ive seen show that there is little to no difference between a 2 gb and a 4 gb 770.



Sep 26, 2013

I'm building in about a month (late february/early march), so I don't the availability of the 280x's will increase at all. If I did get a gtx 770, should I go for the 4gb vram edition just to be future-proof? Mantle was also a big pro for the 280x so does Nividia have anything to counter it with? Looking at the benchmarks, the 770 still falls behind the 280x in a lot if not most games.


Casper Larsen

Dec 13, 2013

Are you running several monitors during games? If not, then screw the rams.
All reviews comparisons ive seen show that there is little to no difference between a 2 gb and a 4 gb 770.

we know very little about mantle at this stage....I am not in the least dismissing it one bit, but we know very little about mantle despite hype. It could be awesome...hell, maybe even a game changer(although I DOUBT that).

I have a principal that applies to not only AMD, but only Nvidia and to every single other hardware producer.
Don't get carried away with hype. I can't tell you how often I heard that one company would completely outmuscle the other because of this upcoming thing......Game changers like that happen all the time, but wait until you see the results.

Lets say that mantle is a great success....How long before a majority of the games you want to play has mantle? WHO KNOWS!? might even want a new card by that time.

Prepare for the present. Future proving doesn't exist.

What NVidia offers instead of mantle: Nvidia has PhysX, and Eyefinity....Also better software in my opinion and their cards are build better.

But both the 280x and the 770 are great cards. Which brand of 280x or 770 is up to your own preferences...There is only TINY differences between two different versions of the same card.


Sep 26, 2013

Thanks for the very informative reply. I went ahead and decided to go with the Gigabyte Windforce GTX 770 4gb OC. Reviews for this specific models were fantastic and the clock speeds are almost as fast as the 280x toxic. The main reason I went with the 4gb is because I plan to heavily mod skyrim and, from what I've read, more than 2gb of vram is needed for that. In addition, future games like the Witcher 3 are said to take up in between 2.5-3gb of vram. I tried to find other 280x's in stock but didn't have any luck. Hopefully Nvidia can prove to be a leader in the gpu market this year in terms of driver software and exclusive programs (like physx). In a year or two, I'll probably SLI just to maximize performance, and from what I've seen, 770's SLI have great performance.