what card woould perform better at low resoultion


You still are not understanding. It will be pointless to add another card because of software. You would be better off using the 770 as a door stop and buying whatever new card is out.
With the R9-270, you should be fine for games for the next year or two. You may have to turn things down a bit (like no AA) in the future, but honestly that won't make a huge difference considering you'll be saving $100. I would never go with a GTX 770 or R9-280X unless you plan on running a 1080p monitor or higher soon.
Dude, just stop. Buying either of those is so pointless. You are wasting money for no performance gain as a cheaper card will max all games. THEN after a year or two it will not matter what you got because they will have aged the same and the 22nm cards will be out and you will want to upgrade then. You are just trying to justify flushing money down the toilet.


It is impossible to estimate how long a certain card will max out games in the future. Look at the strides in gaming engines and APIs in just the past few years. No one has a crystal ball to see what game designers will come up with next. Who would have thought of something like Mantle a few years ago?

I have answered this for you at least 2 times already. IT DOES NOT MATTER. Some games will be better on the 760 and others will be better on the 270x. Simple as that. They are basically the same.

You are not looking at the big picture. This is the point we are making: Back when the gtx400 cards were out they were DirectX 10 cards. All of a sudden Directx 11 came out and a card like a gtx460 which could easily max most games, was worthless in a year and a half because of software. Even a gtx470 will be bested by an hd7770 in some modern games, even though the 470 is technically much more powerful. SImple because the 7770 can use DX11 and the 470 cannot.

This stuff happens alot, and it will happen again soon. You might buy a 770 and in a year or a year and a half you are stuck at medium settings. This is a very real possibility. It has happened before



I wasn't saying you had to care about it. I was referring to the fact that a person would never have considered such an innovation. Mantle was just an example.
Look at it like this:

Here is the 460 vs the 560: http://anandtech.com/bench/product/542?vs=543
Pretty close right?

Now here is the 560 vs. the 660: http://anandtech.com/bench/product/543?vs=660
MUCH bigger difference. This is due to the technology changing between the 500 and 600 series cards.

These gaps should be the same but they are not.

Now the 660 vs the 760: http://anandtech.com/bench/product/1039?vs=1038
Look, smaller difference again. the 760 is VERY similar in tech to the 660.

Chances are the next jump will be HUGE as all this new tech rolls out.

You cannot assume that a 770 will perform well in even a year or a year and a half. 22nm cards will be coming out and games will be coded for them.

Look at the gtx285. This was the 290x or 780ti of its day and cost about $500. Then BOOM in only ONE year you could buy a gtx460 that was better for only $199.