AMD Fx 8350 + Corsair 60 or CM hyper 212 evo?



Hello. I am between Corsair H60 and CM i have already bought a Corsaiir H60 but i am not sure to put it on because t may leak what do you suggest me to do and which have best temp performance? Thanks
Don't worry about the leak. The H60 will be fine. The defective units are few and far between.

Use the H60 with confidence and know Corsair is one of those companies that will replace any other damaged components if the H60 does in fact leak.

I've been using H50s and H80s for a few years now without any issues. The performance really isn't superior to the best air coolers (although they are comparable or can be a little better), but I would much rather have the clean look the H60 affords around the motherboard than a large and in my opinion ugly hunk of metal over my CPU that blocks a RAM slot or two if I were in your situation.

That said, I do have one PC with a hyper 212 plus on it and it works just fine, but in any future build...
Don't worry about the leak. The H60 will be fine. The defective units are few and far between.

Use the H60 with confidence and know Corsair is one of those companies that will replace any other damaged components if the H60 does in fact leak.

I've been using H50s and H80s for a few years now without any issues. The performance really isn't superior to the best air coolers (although they are comparable or can be a little better), but I would much rather have the clean look the H60 affords around the motherboard than a large and in my opinion ugly hunk of metal over my CPU that blocks a RAM slot or two if I were in your situation.

That said, I do have one PC with a hyper 212 plus on it and it works just fine, but in any future build I will continue to use the Corsair Hydros or some competing self-contained liquid cooler.



But how is the process can they send me the replacement parts to Greece and will i pay the transfer damaged parts to check them or it dont need to sent them? Can you explain me please about the procedure?
You could actually call or send Corsair an e-mail with your concerns. My guess is it's on a case by case basis, but they'd want to check out the damaged parts themselves.

When you install the H60, just leave the side door off and monitor when you first turn on the PC. You'll know right away if anything is leaking.

I used to not want to take the chance with the liquid, but after using these coolers for years, I no longer worry.



Do you have ever hear if they pay the transfer with a pre paid label? i just contacted with webmaster and he said me that they sent me a pre paid label that they pay the transfer to check the parts and they replace all damage, after that i contacted with live chat and an agaent said me that i must pay for the transfer, After a while i contacted the Live chat again and one another agent said me that if i claim about the leak and damage they sent me a pre paid label i dont what to believe.
I had to return a RAM set to them at one point. This was in 2005 or so. The process I went through was to add a thread to their support forum and some person named ramguy or some such sent me a pm by which I responded with my address info. He sent me an RMA label and it was no cost to me to ship.



Did they sent you the pre paid label by email and all you have to do is to print it and tape it to the the box order?
I got the label by snail mail, but that was 2005. I think all carriers are ok with printed labels now so I imagine they would just e-mail the label these days. Contact them. They will answer your inquiry through the customer service or support links.