geek squad left a disc in my laptop, it is MRI 5.8.1, What is it? how do I use it?

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Robert L Smith

Apr 8, 2014
Using said proprietary digital property without expressed consent of the owner is an actionable legal offense can lead to harsh civil or criminal penalties. Your IP address is traceable, and police are able to obtain individual MAC addresses of your computer. If you share the proprietary information, monitoring the hash values can lead to evidence against you in a software piracy case. Sometimes the devices used to allegedly commit piracy are confiscated and not returned or may not function properly after forensic examination regardless of the outcome of the case. Sometimes merely implying intent may be enough to obtain the search warrant, depending on the judge. Best Buy Inc and its subsidiaries have the resources to drag out a long and costly legal battle, which might put unbearable and unrecoverable financial strain on some individuals. In summary, tread lightly and return the disk swiftly.


Oct 21, 2013

Don't be a dumb ass and try to scare the OP. Fact of the matter is discs are left in computers all the time at the shop. I'd be willing to bet that they have that exact program and a ceiling high stack of discs that they burn them to for each customer's computer.

My advice: Just throw it away. It's probably not of any use to you now as it is. You can try to give it back, but it would be a giant waste of your time and theirs. They probably already have a mountain of those discs as it is.

What's the point of the thing anyway since the Ultimate Boot Disk and a number of others do the same thing. And judging by the Geek Squad track record and experiences people have with them, if I wrote that software I'd keep it very secret that Best Buy was using it to fix things to avoid getting laughed at.

System vendors provide a utility disk to scan their hardware, almost all anti-virus programs have a rescue disk you can make.

My advice is to toss the disk and next time visit a real computer repair shop.


Oct 27, 2014
keep it. They cant trace your IP...because when using it you're not connected to the internet....durp.

thats the best thing to have if you have viruses...sadly ppl who dont work at geek squad have trouble using it.
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