is it possible to find the mac-adresses that are allowed to acces a mac-filtered network without having access to any of these


Feb 13, 2014
i want to access a network , it has no security password , but it is mac-filtered , is there a way to access it ? I'm not able to access any of the computers that are allowed to the router.
If you have some way to see the traffic from valid machines it is not too hard to steal one of these mac addresses. It is almost impossible on a wired network but is trivial on a wireless network. This is why mac security is a total waste of time on a wireless network.
If you have some way to see the traffic from valid machines it is not too hard to steal one of these mac addresses. It is almost impossible on a wired network but is trivial on a wireless network. This is why mac security is a total waste of time on a wireless network.