I am soon to build a PC but I have a building surface issue.


Feb 23, 2014
Hi, I am hopefully soon to be building my first Gaming PC but I must say, most the rooms in my house have carpet and I want to try and stay away from carpet due to fear of static interfering with my components, the only other room in my house that I can really look to is my kitchen, it has a wooden table and lino (Linoleum) flooring, basically my question is : Is it safe to build a Gaming PC in my kitchen on the wooden table and can linoleum generate static if I were to rub my feet across the floor like it would with carpet? I am aware that I can just get an anti-static wristband and anti-static mat, and I will, but I just want my build to be successful and I don't want any of the parts to be ruined by static issues. So I will just ask the question again, can I SAFELY build my Gaming PC in my kitchen with a wooden table and lino (Linoleum) floor, and can Linoleum flooring generate static like a carpet can? Thanks! :)


Sep 14, 2012
Use a kitchen table or other non conductive surface for building ect (cardboard box also counts). You can work standing on carpet just wear a pair of trainers. The kitchen floor is fine just don't wear a woolen jumper while building lol