Over tightening a fitting?


Sep 29, 2013
Hello! I am just wondering is it bad to tight a hose clamp to much?

I just bought the G1 Sniper 5 motherboard and wanted to use the water cooling option for the vrms. However the built in barbs are too small for my 3/8 ID 5/8 OD tubing. I decided to take a hose clamp and tighten the tube down to size. However I did not tighten it enough and it leaked. I tightened it some more and now its not leaking. However I'm concerned if its bad for the tubing.
They should fit, I am about 95% certain the barbs are 3/8 ID. In any case, in the event they do not fit then yea SOP would be to tighten the hose clamp.