why are video games are good for the heart and suol?

Austin Robinson

Feb 27, 2014
There are many reasons why people play video games. One of the most obvious is the feeling of accomplishment and sometimes are hard work of a long project(Such as building a minecraft world, or simply playing an entire series that thats 200+ hours etc)
Another reason I know I play games is that it is usually something that has a story, and usually lore. Some games, yes, the story is forgettable. However, games are another form of media with full fledged plot and character developments. There are so many reasons why people play games, but if I had to convince someone to play one, I would have to at least start them on one that is either addictive and rewarding, or one with an excellent plot on easy so they can moreso see that aspect while knowing its a game. I hate the notion that all games are mindnumbingly stupid and lead only to negatives, thats not true.

Austin Robinson

Feb 27, 2014
Others are going for a health orientated approach, but I dont feel that portraying gaming as healthy is a good way to convince people to do it-look at food, not many care about whats healthy.