Which video card for a gaming pc build?

The GTX770 is relatively expensive because of the 4gb vs. 2gb vram.
Extra vram is not really necessary.
Read this: http://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Video-Card-Performance-2GB-vs-4GB-Memory-154/

If your budget permits a GTX780, I say go for it.
It is as good as it gets for any single monitor.
If you don't, you will always be second guessing yourself.

I would even pay a bit more for a superclocked version with a titan cooler:


Dec 2, 2012
The 780 is the better of the 2 cards for sure. What resolution will you be running? Because right now at 1080p the 770 will run pretty much everything on high. You will get a longer lifespan out of the 780, so if money/budget isn't an issue that would be the one to get.

I have a 2GB 770 and was running Titanfall on insane during the beta with no problem at all, but I haven't played the other games you mentioned.
If you are going to not upgrade again within a year of purchase then i would go with the 780, because it has more performance now and the 770 only has 2gb of VRAM where as the 780 has 3 gb. I have played games on my 7950 that hit 2.2gb and games are only going to get more demanding in the future. Stick with whats best for now AND later.
The GTX770 is relatively expensive because of the 4gb vs. 2gb vram.
Extra vram is not really necessary.
Read this: http://www.pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/Video-Card-Performance-2GB-vs-4GB-Memory-154/

If your budget permits a GTX780, I say go for it.
It is as good as it gets for any single monitor.
If you don't, you will always be second guessing yourself.

I would even pay a bit more for a superclocked version with a titan cooler:

I agree.


Dec 2, 2012
