Hard disk disappeared after new windows

I'm not 100% sure, but if it is allowing you to "change" drive letters than it must see a valid formatted partition on the drive. Odd that Windows wouldn't assign a drive letter to it during the install.

One thing I would try before assigning it a drive letter. Shut your computer down. Unplug the SATA cable from the affected drive. Boot back into Windows. Shutdown again, reconnect the drive and boot up again. This could nudge Windows into assigning it a drive letter on it's own.
In Disk Management what happens when you right-click on the affected drive. Does it give you the option of assigning a drive letter or is that option grayed out. From the screen shot it shows that there is an active partition, however because it doesn't have a drive letter, it appears to the OS as an unformatted volume. Did you have data on this drive before re-installing Windows?

If you didn't have data on the drive then it should just be a simple matter of formatting it. If you did, you can try to find a recovery software and see if it can restore the MFT and hopefully your files.

Mohamed Samer

Feb 24, 2014

Thanks for reply :)
When i right-click on it , it gives me the option "change drive letter and paths"
If i assigned the letter , would i lose my data ??
I have important data on it :/

Thanks alot :) , but i don't know what you meant by "raid the hdd" ?
I'm not 100% sure, but if it is allowing you to "change" drive letters than it must see a valid formatted partition on the drive. Odd that Windows wouldn't assign a drive letter to it during the install.

One thing I would try before assigning it a drive letter. Shut your computer down. Unplug the SATA cable from the affected drive. Boot back into Windows. Shutdown again, reconnect the drive and boot up again. This could nudge Windows into assigning it a drive letter on it's own.

Mohamed Samer

Feb 24, 2014

It works ,Like a magic :D
Thaaaaaanks alot ^_^