Will sapphire hd 7750 low profile workn on Acer xc600 with 220psu?

Nico Trajano

Mar 5, 2014
Will sapphire hd 7750 1gb ddr5 low profile on my 220w psu? Can it fit in my c pc case too? Acerxc600 is a slim pc and i want to find the highest video card that I can put in my pc. I cant buy any upgrade because the pc is just given to me so dont suggest to upgrade other parts. I just want to spend on a video card only and i can only afford 100$. Will sapphire hd 7750 run dayz standalone and many new games on mid setting kn a 1200x800 with 60 fps? Tnx in advance
Acer xc600 4gb ram