Solved, for now Waited until I had multiple chores, so today a tech came and installed a new graphics card and a large fan


Oct 18, 2009
And set up the Win7 and BIOS, AND IT WORKS, YAY! Plus, look what he just emailed me, can you believe this guy?:

Thanks again for allowing me to set up the computer and get some bugs worked out for you. Here is the instructions for everything I did pretty much.

Simply I uninstalled the old amd program.

Turn off the computer.

Remove the graphics card.

Change the DVI cable to the desktop.

Turn on the computer. Set up bios to run off the IGPU.

Run the computer.

Turn off the computer.

Install new graphics card.

Turn on the computer.

Set up AMD software.

Restart the computer.

Go into bios. Change to external GPU.

Move DVI to new graphics card.

Turn on the computer. Verify it works.

Restart computer and plug in hdmi wire.

Set up receiver. Duplicate desktop.

Verify everything works and sound is changeable through the set up.

Receiver settings –

For PC – must be in DVD mode. Video input must be IN2. Digital audio must be in OPT2.

For DVD – must be in DVD mode. Video input must be in IN1. Digital audio must be in COAX1.

For TV sound digital audio must be in OPT1.




And we're referencing an 18 month old thread why?

Yes, I can believe a good tech giving you a list of what he did. Good guy, probably.
I can't see paying someone to install and configure a new video card, though.


Oct 18, 2009

The ancient thread may be watched by someone like me who gave up on their own situation and/or just has a very long attention span. Yes, I would have done the simple video card install myself, but it turned out that the BIOS needed tweaking to get the HDMI-out to work. Under my old XP no such tweak was needed, tho' it could be a pain.Working on the PC office end and then having to go to the living room to see if something worked gets old quickly. Further, the living room HT equipment rack requires a very thin person to access the ports. Finally, he also came over to help with issues beyond my skills on a laptop.