Palit GTX 750 ti botttlenecking

For the most part, no it shouldn't... But different games use different system resources, games that are CPU intense you will see some CPU bottlenecking and for games that are GPU intense you will see GPU bottlenecks... It works both ways and depends on the game, that being said i think those two components pair up decently CPU being slightly under powered.
For the most part, no it shouldn't... But different games use different system resources, games that are CPU intense you will see some CPU bottlenecking and for games that are GPU intense you will see GPU bottlenecks... It works both ways and depends on the game, that being said i think those two components pair up decently CPU being slightly under powered.
I agree.

Also, I'm not sure how much that card costs but the base model MSI card is $150 USD and the more expensive cards don't add much value to that.

If I did spend over $150, then I'd get the ASUS version at about $175. The power limiter constrains overclocking to about 10% but the great Asus cooler would still run quiet at this point:

The PALIT is likely almost identical, but Asus seems to have a better reliability history.

Heck, just go with whatever's cheaper.