Can Having Games On My Laptop Make Other Games Slow When I Run Them?


Jan 2, 2014
I'm wondering whether or not having games downloaded on my laptop would slow the performance of 1 game when I run it.

Can having more used up HDD space slow the performance of a game when I'm running/ playing it? If so, how much of my HDD, in percent wise, need to be used up in-order for me to notice a performance difference/ slowdown? I'm wondering this cause I know that defraging has to do with cleaning/ compacting the HDD and that defraging DOES help game performance.

My laptop is fairly new (a few months old) with 1TB HDD (372 GB in c: drive and 589 GB in d: drive, there's also an e: drive but it's probably for DVD since it doesn't say how much GB) Also it has 8 GB of RAM.

Thanks in advance
Most likely it is the hardware causing the bad performance. Unless you spend silly money on a laptop that is a "gaming" laptop, dont expect games to run well. Could also be overheating as well. But most likely its the hardware in your laptop, since you didnt post the specs, im assuming.


Mar 11, 2014
No that shouldn't effect performance at all, although for some games you need space to install them, but you seem to have more than enough.

Is it causing you an issue?

Also if it worries you, by an external hard drive and save all your games on there?


Jan 2, 2014

I'm not saying I'm having bad performance, I'm just asking in general if having other/ many downloaded games on a laptop can slow down performance when running 1 game at once (slow down the performance of that 1 game since more HDD is used up). If it affects it in any way.

A better way to ask my question is: Can having more HDD used up cause performance slow down when running/ playing a game?



Only if you are very, very low on space, AND low on RAM which would then try to use the non-existent HDD space as paging.
Given your listed specs and space, you're fine.