Broadband Speed Query


May 30, 2013
Ok guys brace yourselves as I know my internet is terrible BUT I had a little bit of hope today!

My router statistics show my connection speed as 3585 Kbps Downstream and 797 Upstream, Right now I am downloading Titanfall at 366 KB/sec and this is the normal speed which I am totally used to for many years. However earlier for about 3 hours it was downloading at 3 MB/sec which I was very pleased with.

I have downloaded 34.2GB out of 50GB in about 9 hours.

Anybody clear my head as to why the speed im used to went from terrible (to most people) to pretty decent (for me!)

Thanks in advance
3500kb is about 3mb so you're on track there. I would say you either got lucky and started downloading before everyone else, or started downloading when they added more servers. Now that millions of people are downloading, you're back to slow speed.


May 30, 2013
(first time using imageshack so i dont know if you'll be able to see using this link),

so I took 2 screenshots moments apart to show you what I am on about with my download speed (It is currently on 2.28MB/sec.

now I dont know much about the speeds, but isnt 2.39MB alot more than 364 KB?
as I currently think 1,000KB = 1Mb? is that right or wrong?

sorry for my stupidity
There is millions of people downloading the game. It's going to go up and down as servers get bogged down, mirrors get put up, they get bogged down. You said your internet is 3000KB which is 3MB which is what you are getting sometimes for the speed, so nothing is wrong, you are getting the 3000KB or 3MB you paid for as seen by your download speeds, and it's going slow because of the server load.