Corsair Graphtite 230t or Carbide 300R


Feb 8, 2014
I am going to build my first gaming pc soon but I cannot decide on which case to get.

I like both these cases and I would like to get somebody else's opinions on which case I should choose.

Any help would be appreciated!
It really depends. Both are great cases, although I prefer the 400R and 500R, but have built in all of them and I still like the 230t and 300R.

The 230t is a smaller case though and wont have as much room as the 300R.

So the question is, do you want more room or the desktop to take up less space?
It really depends. Both are great cases, although I prefer the 400R and 500R, but have built in all of them and I still like the 230t and 300R.

The 230t is a smaller case though and wont have as much room as the 300R.

So the question is, do you want more room or the desktop to take up less space?