Best budget Gaming Card suggestion for Asus M5A8L-M LX V2


Mar 19, 2012
Hello gamers,

Mine PC specs are as follows:

AMD FX 6300 Black Edition (6 Cores) 3.5Ghz Processor
Asus M5A78L-M LX V2 Motherboard
4 GB DDR3 Corsair 1600Mhz RAM
Corsair CX430 PSU

I wish to buy a new Graphic card for my PC and am pretty confused over what might be the best card at my budget?

My budget is of 2 step:

2k-4k INR


4k-7k INR

Reason for my two step budget: Currently I can manage the 2k-4k budget card and for the next step 4k-7k I will have to wait another month.

My requirements are like to play all HD videos, graphial works like Auto CAD, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, etc and an average gaming rig (Its okay if the card doesnt support the latest or very much high end games released but should work some common high end games)

How about these?

This would be actually out of budget but seems good (Will have to wait more months):

Please do mention your experience with these Graphics card you have or any better suggestion.

How about this one: sapphire HD 5670 1gb DDR5
I am getting this one as second hand under warranty of 1 year for 3k INR (worth it? )