Average Intel 61 express Chipset temps

Max Mark

Jan 11, 2014
i would like to know the average temps for the intel 61 express chipset and at what temp does it become dangrous to use and if its on high temps can it effect other components and last but not least how to cool them down
Even if it is that high I think it has the same Tjuntion technology as the intel CPU so it would shut it self down if it reached it's max Temp. I would say between 30-60°c is fine. I may have been worng about my Z77 max temp I am not exactly sure becuase the intel site says something like 110° for thermal junction. But I am told that you don't want it to get that high. I am just going on what I have already read before so I am sorry about the numbers


As far as I know 60-65°C is the Max temp for my chipset Z77. And it never gets that high anyway unless there were extreme circumstances ie: High overclock or a bad power supply as well as really high ambient temperature. I cannot say for sure what the H61 chipset temps should be but considering the Z77 is a performance chipset for overclocking and the H61 might have a lower TDP so The Max temp might be slightly lower than the Z77 depending on the MB. I am sorry I do not have a link or more number regarding this topics but it is generally believed that most 1155 socket chipsets operate at roughly ambient temperature, give a few degrees.....


PCH just means Platform Controller Hub. And Take reading from HW monitor with a grain of salt as they can be incorrect on some things...Speed Fan is not perfect either. Once it told me that my CPU was -7°C


Even if it is that high I think it has the same Tjuntion technology as the intel CPU so it would shut it self down if it reached it's max Temp. I would say between 30-60°c is fine. I may have been worng about my Z77 max temp I am not exactly sure becuase the intel site says something like 110° for thermal junction. But I am told that you don't want it to get that high. I am just going on what I have already read before so I am sorry about the numbers


If you are worried you can open your case and just place the back of your finger on the chipset heatsink if it seems real hot then use a fan and point it at you MB...I do that with a Honeywell 20cm fan( desk/house fan)