AMD Dual GPU cards.How do they work?

You didn't give a link or even name the card so nobody can help you much.

1) YES. Dual-GPU cards are almost identical to Crossfire (AMD) or SLI (NVidia).

2) The rule-of-thumb for POWER SUPPLIES is to get one with sufficient PCIe 6/8-pin connectors.

There are often a few reasons such as PRICE, or VRAM, Noise etc that make a dual-GPU card a poor choice.

AMD's Crossfire is still not as good as NVidia's SLI. For example, DX9 issues have yet to be sorted so games like Half Life 2 that are DX9 can run at a perceived 30FPS even though 60FPS is reported. Ironically the game runs better when turning OFF the second GPU/card.