New Build for Oculus Rift DK2


Mar 20, 2014
Hi everyone,

I was planning on waiting for the consumer version of the Oculus Rift to come out but ended up impulsively pre-ordering the DK2 haha. Now I need a PC that can run it and the last one i put together was over 10 years ago. Here is what I current have spec'd out after spending a lot of time lurking around the forums:

Do you have any critiques on the build? The current cost is about my budget but I wouldn't mind spending a little more or less. I currently have a single 1920x1200 monitor but may upgrade to a single 1440p a year down the line. I would also consider doing crossfire/SLI as a future upgrade path.

Lastly, one of my main hesitation is that I originally decided to build something now instead of during the DK2 release as I didn't expect any new releases of graphics cards within that time frame. However, it seems like the Z97 chipset, which I don't know much about, is going to be released soon. Should I consider waiting for that? I am usually very undecisive when it comes to these kind of purchases and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.


Sep 2, 2013
I'm in a similar situation, I've built a computers in the past but my Oculus Rift gaming rig is the first time I'm actually going for real performance.

The Z97 mobos are indeed looking pretty good, so I was curious if you waited or not. Currently I'm leaning towards waiting a bit longer for the Devils Canyon chips (maybe the i7), since thermal performance is the area I know the least about.



May 17, 2014
Same boat here. I'm currently looking at this build: which would run just about everything out there at the moment on my 1080p panel at full settings, watching a few interviews with the Rift guys they seem to be suggesting GTX 780 TI as a minimum and up from there by the time we get to CV1 they have a single 780 TI and i7's in the machines they are using to demo the Rift at E3 at the moment.

My issue is I'm going to be going from spending £500 on my build to spending £500 on just the GPU :-(