Updated to Windows 8, My HD is still using 300GB - but there is no applications.

Omar Gonzalez

Sep 23, 2013
Hey there guys, I installed windows 8 on top of windows 7 in my main system. All my apps and games are gone but the HD space is 300gb? wondering... What is going on?

Does W8 make a secret partition to restore old apps or what? Why is my system using 300gb with no apps nor files on the disk?
If you did an upgrade there is a folder on your hard drive called windows.old it will contain all the data from your windows 7 install. You will need to reinstall all your programs but you can retrieve data from that folder. If you don't need it you can delete it and free up that space.
If you did an upgrade there is a folder on your hard drive called windows.old it will contain all the data from your windows 7 install. You will need to reinstall all your programs but you can retrieve data from that folder. If you don't need it you can delete it and free up that space.

Omar Gonzalez

Sep 23, 2013

dhuu yep, there it was! thanks