How to plug pci-e psu wires?


Dec 27, 2013
I have finished everything in my build expect for a couple of psu wires and I have a quick question. The PSU that I am using has two 6 and 2 on the side (not sure what its called) pin connectors. Should i bend down the 2 pin connector attached to one six-pin one, or should i use the six pin in one 6 pin slot, and that 2 pin to the other 8 pin slot, and then put the other 6 pin into the remaining holes. Kind of hard to explain but I'm not sure if it should bend down like that, and if it could damage the PSU. Needless to say my gpu (gigabyte gtx 760 windforce OC) requires 14 pins in total (6 & 8). Psu being used is the corsair enthusiast 650w bronze certified. Pictures can be given if you guys dont really understand me...