DirectX12 and cpu optimizing?


Mar 3, 2014
I have heard alot about Directx12, and some of is probably wrong.

1 - All directx11 gpus will support directx 12.
2 - Will optimize multithreaded cpus, meaning an i7 would actually help in gaming (True?)
3 - Directx will be better than mantle, and more used than mantle.

Can anyone help me, trying to understand these things? Especially the 2nd thing, about cpus. Building a new rig soon, and if an i7 will be a big improvement, i might go for it.
Thanks in advance

Edit - Another myth - The optimising will make the xbox one better than the ps4.
You should probably wait until it's been released and has had time to be tested. At the very least, wait until some developers begin to talk more about it. I would expect a lot of information to eventually hit the net with comparisons to mantle as well as the advantages. So if you're CPU shopping based on DX12 support advantages and disadvantages, I'd wait. If you can't wait for whatever reason just get the best CPU you can afford.


Nov 3, 2013
i dont know how much of this will be true but in regards to the 2nd part alot of games devs want to use more system power but building a game for pc compared to console is 1000x different as with consoles you are building a games to run over multiple users but over the same hardware whereas with pc gaaming you are making a game to run across multiple users and multiple system configurations. meaning that they might be able to do this in some games but until game devs start forcing people to use 64-bit operating systems they are not going to be about to use the full power of a i7 as they have to hardcode the game to say 4 cores and 8 threads which is why some games with run better on a quad core hyperthreaded cpu than they will on a much more powerful i7 6 core.

sorry that was abit of a mouthful but people really dont understand that games are some limited when it comes to performance, thankfully when bf4 beta came out and it was only playable on 64bit it pissed alot of people of but showed alot of people that they need to move to 64 bit machine cos 32bit just cant crack it anymore.
Games are going to become multithreaded supportive because the future of cpus are going to be 8 core plain and simple. Alot of game in the future are going to be ported over from consol and as it currently is the new consols are 8 core sonyou can expect the consol games to be designed to run on 8 cores. Pc will be soon to follow.


Mar 3, 2014
I would want to keep the cpu for AT LEAST 3 years.
Does that make me need an 8 threadded cpu now?
I can get an 8 threadded xeon for i5 price right now.

Azzazel - So you are saying - Consoles will make pc games run with more cpu cores? How soon are we talking about that?
I read somewhere that there are already plans to port games from consol to pc. Hell bf4 has alot of its code written for consol thats on the pc. 4 core cpu's will get phased out just like dual cores did whwn they got replaced as gaming cpu's. As for how soon? Could be next series of games or it could be 3 years from now.


Nov 3, 2013
right i need to make something clear. this will happen games will move on to needing 8 core cpu's but if the market keeps going the way it is currently its going to take a good 3 or 4 years before the majority of pc games require 8 core cpu's and 64 bit operating systems.
if you want a 8 core cpu your better with going amd than xeon because xeon cpu's arnt designed for gaming their designed for servers.


Mar 3, 2014

Must tell you about xeons. They are great for gaming. Several cpu experts recommend them over an unlocked i5 and amd cpu. They are not just server cpus. the e3 1230 v3 is an i7 4770 lower clocked without graphics.
So for right now, it wouldnt be worth getting a 8 threadded cpu?


Mar 7, 2014
You should probably wait until it's been released and has had time to be tested. At the very least, wait until some developers begin to talk more about it. I would expect a lot of information to eventually hit the net with comparisons to mantle as well as the advantages. So if you're CPU shopping based on DX12 support advantages and disadvantages, I'd wait. If you can't wait for whatever reason just get the best CPU you can afford.


Nov 3, 2013

you do realise that watch dogs has an amd 8 core listed as its recommended specs right?

also there is a big need for 8 core cpu's atm as they are excelling in the needs of graphics designer and people that render and edit alot of videos. i should know ive been using a 8 core for nealry a year and a half now as i render and edit nearly 10 hours of footage per week so i need the sheer powerful which you cant get from a i7 also iits good for gaming at the same time as ive found ways around games hardcoding.


Mar 3, 2014
Amd 8core cpus are fairly weak. That might be why thief requires 8 amd cores, and not intel.
I am sticking with intel, but thx for recommendation.
I just want to know. Will i need to upgrade to 8 threaded soon, if not now?


Nov 3, 2013

the 8350 is what i have and ive spent a year a half tweaking my system to exactly what i need to be for what i do with it and trust me once they are overclocked 8 core cpu's are not weak at all, i have regular times when my system out performs a friends system who has a i7 3970k with pretty much the same system specs.


Nov 3, 2013
well he lives like 50 miles away from me and i still get like 40 fps more than him on arma 2 and 3 so i must be doing something right and dude ive been building computers for the last 2 years i think i know what im doing when it comes to picking parts


Mar 7, 2014

I actually edit quite a bit of video myself, motion graphics and all and I did quite a bit of research on the most important factors. A quad-core i7 with a good chunk of RAM is more than enough to run something like Adobe After Effect no matter what you're composting. With the current builds of these applications a faster quad-core will outperform a slower octa-core assuming the same specs otherwise.