Static electricity help


Dec 24, 2013
One of the only things i never understood about pcs is the static electricity... I have slept with my gpu and accidentally spilled water on the back of my cpu and my pc is fine... What is this "static" thing. My grandfather is a former engineer and I asked him about this and he said he doesnt know....


Where do you live that you haven't seen static electricity.

The humidity is about 20% in my house now.
If I walk across the room, on a rug then touch a person or anything grounded, or just something with a lower static charge, a spark will jump from my finger to what I touch.

The spark has no amps, but thousands of volts.

If you have a high static charge, and pick up a stick of memory, your charge equalizes to the memory stick.
Now if you then plug it into the computer, without touching the computer with your other hand first, a spark will jump from the memory to the computer, destroying the memory. (Not always)

If you live in a place that the humidity is high all the time, you will probably never see it.

One thing to remember, lightning is nothing but static electricity


Dec 24, 2013

In Romana, in Piatra Neamt. I had 2 old rams that died and a mobo but i found bent cpu pins on it and I don't think the ram has something to do with static.