SLI GTX 780 TI could not work well after two years !!!???


Jul 26, 2013
hi all
two SLI GTX 780 TI will cost me around 1500$
but due to the limitation of bandwidth which is only 3GB, then this is could make problem with future games ? even if the GPU speed reaches 1500+ Mhz

I want to play games on 1440p with 60fps,
so will 3GB RAM be enough for this with all games ?

many thanks


Aug 8, 2014
Hey bud,

Regarding your question. I currently run a EVGA gtx 780 ti with a QNIX 2710 monitor 2560x 1440 monitor overclocked to 120 hz. I play all the new games and benchmark for fun occasionally.

I haven't noticed ANY bottleneck. Occasionally I even play movies while I am gaming off on my 40 in 1080p TV and still pull 60fps*. One thing that I have noticed is that my video card is pushing it's temperature tolerance at 90c I am guessing the extra 5C is coming from the overclock on frame rates for my monitor /shrug anyway if you intend on running SLI from what I have read you are looking at about a 60% boost on frame rates over a single 780 ti IF you run 2560 x 1440 resolution.. with that being said make sure you have the PS that can support those two GPUs I'd aim for over 1000W if you intend to overclock!

Cheers mate