Do I need a new modem and QoS question


Mar 6, 2014
Hi All,

I am in a situation where people streaming throughout the house is slowing my connection for gaming and I would also like to limit a certain users bandwidth usage in the house aswell if possible.

I currently have 117mbps wifi with 13mbps actual speed on ADSL2+ with telstra and it's a basic telstra modem, if I upgraded to a higher speed modem would it fix my problems of speed, currently there are 2 people streaming and me playing games.

If a modem upgrade wont work, can someone recommend a modem which has QoS that can assign devices as a higher priority (I don't want to have to install custom firmware etc)
I can't find any model numbers online that give me a definitive modem that will solve my problem.


Your current modem is likely capable of handling higher speeds. What it limiting you is the level of service your have (downstream speed) and the number of users and how your connection is being used.

Do you have the option of buying a faster level of service? Otherwise, just changing the modem will make no difference.