connect two VGA in one pC


Apr 1, 2014
I have a DVR (CCTV) connection and a Personal computer in my shop. i don't have enough space to fix a another monitor. is there any possibility to connect both in one pc
the simply way would be a kvm switch. when you plug in two vga inputs to one output. all you do then press a button to switch inputs from a to b. with a lot of newer dvr you can connect them to your network and then with dvr software connect to the unit from a pc and watch live video from any pc or device.
the simply way would be a kvm switch. when you plug in two vga inputs to one output. all you do then press a button to switch inputs from a to b. with a lot of newer dvr you can connect them to your network and then with dvr software connect to the unit from a pc and watch live video from any pc or device.