Help on Powering my Laptop

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Apr 1, 2014
When I arrived home and went to power on my laptop and plugged in the AC cord, nothing happened, screen remained black, no sound of components working, no HDD, Power, Battery lights came on.

Some quick tests I performed were: hold the power button for about 40 seconds, switch ram slots and use one ram, unplug the HDD and CD/DVD reader/burner.

More complex tests I performed where that, using a digital multi-meter, I checked that the right amount of voltage was passing through the laptop DC cord from the AC cord. Powered on and with my laptop open, I tested to see if the DC cord wire was reaching the motherboard which it was. I also tested the Push Button (where you click to power on a laptop) was reaching the motherboard, which I believed that it was BUT, I'M NOT SURE due to that only the side terminals where indicating voltage and the second reason is that I'm not sure if that was the right wire to test and where it really went to.

Well I couldn't identify the charging circuits or the right components to test for voltage. I couldn't find a good Schemap of my motherboard and the amount of voltage should show. I have a Laptop Acer 5742G (PEW-71 Motherboard). Can anyone provide me what the problem could be, how to test it, and how to fix it in case it is.

Thanks in advance!

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