Problems with my gaming rig?


Apr 8, 2014
Hi there, I have a reasonably decent gaming rig that is about a year old. I moved house recently and ever since I could swear that the gaming performance has dropped substantially.


Intel Core i5-3570K @ 3.40GHz
NVidia GTX 660
8 Gb RAM

Not sure what else is relevant. I installed Elder Scrolls Online the other day and thought it would be able to run pretty well. Textures and subsampling are high but shadows, water, ambient occlusion, bloom etc are off. With that setup I get 20-30 fps, which seems pretty disappointing.

Am I dreaming here? I could swear that other games (Skyrim for instance) have dropped in performance since I moved but have no idea how to diagnose it. The GPU seems to operate at normal temperatures.

Thanks in advance for your help.