Which case should I get?


Dec 28, 2013
About 6 months ago I built a computer with the thought I wasn't going to care how it looked or how many drive bays I had. Boy was I wrong, however I don't want to waste my money on cheap cases. My needs are it has to be steel, I don't trust plastic, has to have 5 preferably 6 5.25in drive bays, a side window, full tower ATX, preferably comes without any LED's but this doesn't really matter, and then a door would be nice however I looked at the Urban S71 and liked the door concept but it was plastic and felt very cheap so I either want a steel door or no door. I was looking at the Urban T81 and Core v71 but these don't seem to have enough drive bays. Is there anyone that knows of a case that will fit my needs?