AMD Athlon series


Hello all. I am going to upgrade my A6 soon and was wondering which would be the best cpu for me. I have an Asus A55 BM-E board that isn't overclockable. That being said would I see a noticeable fps increase from an Athlon X4 740 to an Athlon X4 760K?

The GPU I plan to use is a radeon HD 6850.

Thanks in advance.
ok get the latest bios here

and after you can replace your cpu for a a10 7850k new kaveri apu or if you prefer to save some money get a a10-6800k
instead and the igp will be improved at the sametime



The thing is I already have a dedicated GPU so I'm looking to see if there'd be a difference between the athlon's gaming performance if I am not overclocking.