in skyrim, why is my world all black now (CANT SEE ANYTHING)

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Apr 27, 2014
Hi, I have a problem with skyrim and seeing anything, by anything I mean there isnt anything to see but to walk around and go up to things and not know what they are (if that makes any since). In short or at first, I could NOT travel then the world around me started to "delete" itself from sight. I could walk around and go up to things but I would not know what they are for the fact that everything around me was gone. If you know what the problem is, have it, or know how to help, please help. (Again, I hope this makes any since at all.)
Is this a Steam version? If so, go to your Steam library, right click Skyrim, click properties, Local files, and verify the integrity of local files.
If not, just reinstall the game.

If you have mods, you may have to disable any new mods you may have added, some are not compatible with each other. You may also need to check the order of these mods. Many mods will tell you exactly what order certain mods have to be in for them to work.

You may also want to check your drivers. Install the latest version, and if that doesn't work, try a previous one.

You might have a corrupt save, which may require you to start over. When removing mods with existing saves, you can cause them to stop functioning.
Is this a Steam version? If so, go to your Steam library, right click Skyrim, click properties, Local files, and verify the integrity of local files.
If not, just reinstall the game.

If you have mods, you may have to disable any new mods you may have added, some are not compatible with each other. You may also need to check the order of these mods. Many mods will tell you exactly what order certain mods have to be in for them to work.

You may also want to check your drivers. Install the latest version, and if that doesn't work, try a previous one.

You might have a corrupt save, which may require you to start over. When removing mods with existing saves, you can cause them to stop functioning.
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