have add 2 hard drives to my new computer but they do not appear in windows explorer or any other place that would allow me to

Yes, you will need to Initialize each of the new HDD's. Do not try to assign drive letters to them - you can't do it until they are initialized, and that process will assign letters names for you.

For a complete outline, read WyomingKnott's sticky at the top of this forum here:


Pay special attention to his Step 5. You'll follow the procedure twice - once for each new HDD unit.


Yes, you will need to Initialize each of the new HDD's. Do not try to assign drive letters to them - you can't do it until they are initialized, and that process will assign letters names for you.

For a complete outline, read WyomingKnott's sticky at the top of this forum here:


Pay special attention to his Step 5. You'll follow the procedure twice - once for each new HDD unit.