will a motherboard with surge protection totally replace a anti-surge power bar?


Mar 28, 2014
hi! was wondering if a motherboard equpied with power surge protection will completely replace a anti-surge power bar in case of power surge and protect my computer completely. thank you!


Mar 30, 2009

Word "surge" is how to subjectively manipulate the naive with myths and hearsay. For example, your Asus 'surge' is about a low voltage. A USB 'surge' is about insufficient current. A surge during power restoration from a blackout is about too much current demand. You have confused complete different concepts by using 'word association' rather than learn the science behind each word. Learning the science means the word 'surge' always comes with numbers.

Asus surge is often reporting a marginal and therefore completely defective component inside a computer. A completely defect part that still permits the computer to power on and operate. Many also use 'word association' to assume if a computer boots, then its parts are good. What an Asus surge is reporting is why future intermittent failures might happen. A defect today can mean it works fine today and fails tomorrow.

If discussing a protector adjacent to a computer, well that is about something that creates a high voltage. Other protection routinely inside any properly built computer does better what a surge strip might do. Your concern is a rare transient that may overwhelm that existing protection. Blow through the power strip. And must be addressed elsewhere using a solution that typically costs less money. But again, that means first defining which 'surge' will be addressed.


Mar 30, 2009

A 'surge' that defines a USB anomaly or one detected by an Asus motherboard has no relationship to transients created by a thunderstorm, stray car, or squirrel. Best protection at a computer is already inside that computer. Your concern is a transient that can overwhelm that existing and robust protection. So, first define that anomaly. This was originally introduced in elementary school science.

Surges seek earth ground. If that conductive material to earth is a wooden church steeple, then a surge connects to earth destructively. 20,000 amps through a poor electrical conductor (wood) creates a high voltage. 20,000 amps times a high voltage is high energy. Steeple damaged.

Franklin 'diverted' a surge harmlessly to earth via a lightning rod. A conductive material (wire) means 20,000 amps creates a near zero voltage. 20,000 amps times a near zero voltage is near zero energy. No damage.

This is key. Franklin did not try to foolishly stop or block a surge. Same concept applies to what you request.

Lightning striking wires far down the street is a direct strike to all household appliances. That massive current blowing through an appliance creates a high voltage. Massive current times high voltage is high energy. Appliance destroyed.

You 'divert' (connect, shunt) that surge harmlessly to earth before it enters. A conductive device (wire or protector) connected low impedance (ie 'less than 10 feet') to earth ground creates near zero voltage. That maybe 20,000 amps times near zero voltage means near zero energy. Nothing - not even that protector conducting 20,000 amps -is damaged.

This is key. The informed never try to stop or block a surge with an adjacent protector. Instead, a surge current is connected to earth harmlessly BEFORE entering a building.

Once that surge is inside a building, then it will hunt for earth destructively via appliances. Destroy appliances for the same reason church steeples are damaged. Earth lightning via a lightning rod so that it does not pass through a church steeple. Earth lightning via a 'whole house' protector and low impedance (ie 'less than 10 foot') connection to earth so that is does not pass through any appliance (including that computer).

Either spend $25 or $80 per appliance for an adjacent protector that does not even claim to protect from destructive types of surges. Or spend $1 per protected appliance for the superior and properly earthed 'whole house' protector.

BTW, did you know your cable, satellite, and telephone already (should) have that protection? As required long before any of us even existed. However, no protector nor lightning rod does protection. Protection is performed by what harmlessly absorbs hundreds of thousands of joules. That is the earth ground for a 'whole house' protector or the earth ground for that lightning rod. Only you are resposible for its existence and maintenance. Protection is defined by and is only as effective as that earth ground - where energy gets harmlessly absorbed outside a building.