Which mid range graphics card can I use with my old graphics


May 5, 2014
My computer configuration is as followed

Processor: AMD FX 8350
Ram : 24 GB
Current Graphics Card: EVGA Ge Force 8400 GS

I have a little knowledge about graphics card as I am not a gamer. For work reason I need a mid range graphics card with a budget 100-150 USD. I would be glad to learn about if I can add a graphics card with the older one and there are so many graphics card with this price range so what should I would be looking for. I am hoping all the expert members in this forum will help me and guide me to find me a graphics card with my current PC configuration. I bought the current graphics card just a month ago without understanding I need a slightly better one than this one and I don't want to throw it away as it will be a waste of money.

An advance thanks to everyone for taking their precious time and reply me.


Curmudgeon Pursuivant
As noted by the previous poster, the 750 Ti is probably our best bet, though it may be a few bucks over $150. Without knowing anything about your PSU, the 750 Ti is a safe bet as it doesn't require an auxiliary connector (and is almost certainly the best GPU that doesn't require one).

Sadly, there's not really much you can do with the other card. With a few exceptions, none of which are relevant here, you have to SLI with the same series and the 8400 GS is so weak at this point that it's not really worthwhile - even assuming you could SLI it with a modern GPU, it would be so slow as to cripple most of the value of the modern GPU.