General SSD Questions



Mar 8, 2014

I wasn't really looking for a recommendation. I was looking more for a layman term definition for reading/writing speeds of an SSD speeds for SSD as well as what asynchronous/synchronous means. Nonetheless, I appreciate your feedback especially the recommended writing speed of SSDs.

Example for Asynchronous :)
For example, a telephone conversation is "Asynchronous" because both parties can talk whenever they like. If the communication were "Synchronous", each party would be required to wait a specified interval before speaking

And for Read/Write speeds :)

The read speed indicates how fast data can be read from the storage medium.
The write speed indicates how fast data can be stored.
The higher the numbers, the better.

The read/write numbers given by a manufacturer are generally the PEAK read/write speeds. This means that, under ideal conditions, the storage medium will reach those speeds. However, average speed may be and usually is less. Sometimes, it is dramatically less.

Read/Write speeds are generally measured in MB/s (megabytes per second). The exception is RAM, which is usually measured in GB/s (gigabytes per second).

1 byte (B) = 8 bits (b)
1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte (KB) = 8 kilobits (kb)
1024 KB = 1 megabyte (MB) = 8 megabits (mb)
1024 MB = 1 gigabyte (GB) = 8 gigabits (gb)
1024 GB = 1 terabyte (TB)


Apr 28, 2014
In simplest terms.
Btw it applies to all storage medias (hdd, flash, even RAM, ...)

Write speed > how fast can you store data on your SSD.

Read speed > how fast can you read data stored on your SSD.

Synchronous means that you communicate at either predetermined time intervals or when you communicate you always wait for response so for example communication on one end could look like this (requestA - waiting - responseA-requestB-wating-ResponseB).
Asynchrounous means that you do not follow predetermined time interval and don't wait for responses. That mean communication could look like this (requestA - requestB - responseA - requestC - responseB - responseC - responseA)

That is very simple way how to explain it. If you are looking for something different give better explanation of what you want.

I figured I still used more technical terms than would probably fit for this situation.
Ahmadjon's explanation is more in layman terms and fit it perfectly (mainly part about sync/async)


Mar 8, 2014

Awesome feedback. I understand the asynchronous/synchronous now but the new question is which is better? I would assume asynchronous is better since I wouldn't want to talk in a walkie-talkie military communicative style. What is asynchronous even used for? How would I benefit from this if say I'm saving a document or download a large file from the internet?


Apr 28, 2014
What is purpose of your questions? Have you some specific devices you consider or ... ?
Both sync and async communication have it's specific purpose. In some situation one is better and in other situation other.

Sync have meaning if you need to wait for response. Example situation would be phone communication as was stated above, you say something and wait for response of other party.
Async if you do not need to wait for response. Example would be email. You send it and do not wait for immediate response, you may get response later that day, next week or never.

There are usages for both in world of IT.
In terms of SSD, you do not need really need to care about stuff like that. Controllers on SSD, motherboard/cpu takes care of all of it.

If you really need to know here are some reviews / whitepapers for sync vs async (i did not read it all but those sites publish review on regular basis so)]