PC apparently smells like smoke?


Jan 10, 2014
Hi, I built a pc about two months ago with a 2gb asus 7770, cx430, gigabyte ga78lmtusb3, fx4300, and a 2tb seagate green, and 8gb ram. I don't smell anything but my mom told me something in my room smells like smoke. I am about to reset my fx4300 with a stock cooler back from 4.2 to 3.8ghz and turn my 7770 to stock clocks. I don't notice any smell at all, surprisingly. No smokers in the house, but I keep a fan on and a window open, and have an imac in the room but that's about it. My components run cool, on idle cpu in the mid to high 39's and my glu at around 36 degrees idle, and my gpu around 70 under load and my cpu around 65. All my parts work great, and leaving my pc on over hit and gaming works flawlessly. I recent got a steelseries mass mousepad that smells quite strong, so could that be it? Should I febreeze the room? I really hope it's not a component. I had the crossfire protector on gpu, because she said it smells like plastic,a nd it felt really warm, so hopefully that was it. I looked around and no blown capacitors, and used the old Psu paper clip trick and it works flawlessly. My pc is not too dusty, but in the past I have seen one or two dog hair in my pc. What should I do?
Well that could be your problem, but I don't think paint smells like smoke. For future reference, the first thing you should upgrade in your rig is the PSU, it's not bad but not good either. I recommend something like a EVGA PSU or a Seasonic. Seasonics are really expensive though they can last a long long time. Anyways, I think you found your problem.


Jan 10, 2014
I usually put my oc on sleep mode instead of turning it off, so tonight should I just let it chill? I will go outside for ten minuets and come back and smell the back of my psu to see if I notice anything.

Edit: I came back and don't smell anything. I will leave a fan circulating air in the room overnight and yeah.... What can I do? It's an 80+ rated Psu and powered multiple gpus varying from gt 630 to hd 7770 just fine. I think it was the cfx cover, but should I leave it off and my Psu off and see how it is tomorrow?


Sep 23, 2013
You should really upgrade your PSU. I would get a 500w just in case. Corsair makes great PSUs but the minimum is 400w and PSUs tend to deteriorate over time. How long have you had your PSU because that could be an issue too.


Jan 10, 2014

I think I found my issue 0.0 don't laugh. Earlier I had lost my side panel screws so I got screws from my old dell case and spray painted them. I let them dry for like 30 seconds......... Maybe it's the smell of the paint? Wet paint smells horrible. Do you think that's the issues also, I'm 14, so upgrading my Psu isn't really an option because I just spent all my 500$


Sep 23, 2013
Well that could be your problem, but I don't think paint smells like smoke. For future reference, the first thing you should upgrade in your rig is the PSU, it's not bad but not good either. I recommend something like a EVGA PSU or a Seasonic. Seasonics are really expensive though they can last a long long time. Anyways, I think you found your problem.


Jan 10, 2014

Yeah, I think the same, but I spray painted a paper towel, let it dry, and she said the smell matched. She only stepped in for a quick second, and she didn't really specify smoke, she just said something smelt odd, like smoke and then she made a quick few other suggestions before she left, but I spray painted them yesterday and she complained about the smell, was fine for the whole day today, and again I painted one of them today and she
complained again.


Jan 10, 2014

Would that apply to three week old components? I got my gpu just a few weeks back like 2/3 weeks ago. I'll leave the doors open tonight and leave a fan on and let the smell leave, and won't spray paint anything tommorow and see if the smell is gone.