what is phisX of nvidia

For example:
In a game of Planetside 2 (which has the effect currently disabled and are waiting for Nvidias patch for it for quite some time now) you could, for example, shoot at a wall and you would see sparks and drops coming from it and coliding with the enviroment. There are levitational pard with small particles in them that move around your body, and so on... There is also a Batman game where Physx controlls the smoke effects near the ground.
This video represents this very well:


There are many other PhysX videos on YouTube so do check them out.


Jan 12, 2014
For example:
In a game of Planetside 2 (which has the effect currently disabled and are waiting for Nvidias patch for it for quite some time now) you could, for example, shoot at a wall and you would see sparks and drops coming from it and coliding with the enviroment. There are levitational pard with small particles in them that move around your body, and so on... There is also a Batman game where Physx controlls the smoke effects near the ground.
This video represents this very well:


There are many other PhysX videos on YouTube so do check them out.