Desperate for physx


Apr 20, 2014
Hi guys, i recently bought a new PC, didnt realize that AMD (MSI r9 290) not support physx :/
I want to know what can be done about that.
I tried enable it in Borderland 2 on medium but fps really drop on big fight scene :(
its really not the same without physx.



Apr 20, 2014
Thanks man but this method not really relevant anymore. As someone mention there "this doesnt work anymore, it only works older games that didnt require cuda to run physx. now all games use cuda to run physx because of this a matter of fact you cant even enable physx in newer games with this setup. I used to do the same thing.In borderlands 2 it requires cuda to run physx but in the settings in one of the folders you can manually run physx from their but it doesnt even use the nvidia card it uses the cpu and it laggy as all hell. thats why i upgraded from a hd6950 to a gtx760"



No it looks real good in Borderlands 2 especially if you are a Siren using phase-lock - the effect is like a black hole pulling all the physx particles into it.

Very untrue. I only have a GTX 660 and it doesn't hurt the fps as badly as ultra view distance, and PhysX looks amazing in Borderlands 2. If it ruins your framerate on a 780, you should make sure you have it set in your drivers to run on your GPU instead of your CPU, otherwise you're only getting the inefficient, scaled back AMD version.

TXAA isn't that good, imo. It has as much blur as FXAA with the performance hit of 4xSSAA. Not really worth it... Maybe Nvidia and developers will improve upon it eventually, but for now I leave it disabled, even when I can run it.

HBAO+ and PhysX are some of the best AO and physics implementations I've ever seen though. :(
It's usually one of the reasons I encourage people to get Nvidia cards. I've heard it's possible to get a weaker Nvidia card (like a GTX 650, for example) and use it alongside an AMD card as a PhysX calculator with unofficial drivers. Not sure if that still works though, and it might be more trouble than it's worth.

And this is what every "What video card should I get?" thread should mention. It's fine to get an AMD card, if you think it's less expensive or a better deal or whatever, but go into it realizing there are tradeoffs involved. Actually that's not all you're missing out on by going AMD, but yes, there is Mantle.

I usually do mention it, but people think it doesn't matter. Until I link a video of a Borderlands 2 or Metro LL PhysX demo. Then they're shocked that AMD would lose out on such a large effect.